Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to: Turn Your Room Into a Dorm

Sooner or later you should probably realize that the furniture in your room is ugly and old. And really you should be able to decorate the only room in the house where you can find peace and get away from all the other assholes in the world the way you want it. Here are a couple tips to help you succeed with the away from home and freedom of college theme.

Dorm Room Style:

What you will need: 

Storage compartments for clothes and other stuff
Loft bed or normal bed (loft bed you could put stuff under)
Desk for doing work (many loft beds have desks built underneath)
Desk chair (foldable for maximum room)
Bean bag chair
Pictures of your friends and family
Decoration lights
Tv (optional)
Chest or dresser ( one with a large top to put all hygiene supplies on top)
Paint your walls white ( If you really want that dorm feel)
Bed Sheets and lots of pillows
Some fun curtains
Desk lamp.
If parents allow, Microwave, Mini Fridge, toaster, food storage, coffee machine
Arrange this stuff in a way that suits your room nicely.

The key to a dorm room is to have as much storage and room available. So just be savvy with your items. For example if you have a desk make it small and fold-able so you have more room. Also if youre trying to create a comfortable atmosphere, fabrics always are the key. A nice carpet could tie the entire room together. A lot of the stuff you need is on the ikea website. 

What To Do On Friday Nights

TGIF. Or not? Many teens come across this pooish problem when they realize that there Friday nights are suckish. Whether you are the most popular tool in the school or you're a total weirdo, every Friday night isn't going to be the bees knees. So what the hell are you supposed to do when there is nothing to do? Well i'll tell you.


Stop being cheap and use 10$ to see a movie. Invite some attractive persons of the opposite gender and you got yourself a great time! After that you can walk to a local ice cream place or wherever the hell else you would go to after a movie and have a good time. Most towns that have a movie theater don't just have a movie theater and then no restaurants nearby. That would be creepy.

Go to the mall:

The mall is the perfect place to waste time and money! Its fun and you can socialize with new characters. If you and your friends don't have a ride there than invite someone new just to get a ride. That's what I would do.

Do nothing:

If you're too lazy to go out, or have no friends to go out with, then sit at home, and get weird by yourself. Watch a movie. And im not just talking about sittin on the couch and watching some crappy comedy. I'm talking about going all out. Make some popcorn. Rent a movie, and not an awful one like a sequel to something. Then get yo ass in a snuggie, lay on the couch, and watch yo damn movie in comfort. Can't watch a movie then do something uncomfortable like bead bracelets or bake a cake. Make sure you don't do this every Friday night tho. Your family will think you're a loser.


It may sound like its something that people used to do in the 90's but actually its pretty fun. Get a bunch of friends. The more friends the less expensive for you but more boring because you have to wait your turn. Ain't nobody got time fo that. Get some intense uniforms that are custom and say your name and your team name and everything on them, and kick some ass at bowling. Even if you suck and bowl gutters the whole time, you can still say you had a life on Friday night. 

Dinner with Friends:

Probably the most expensive thing to do unless you go all ghetto and have a nice dinner with friends at taco bell. Again, invite some friends, preferably of the opposite gender, and go get some fine ass food. Sushi, Italian, Chinese, go to some weird Asian karaoke place, and sing your heart out. Anything. But just make sure you end the meal or night, with some desert. Because being fat is the way to live.

Have some friends over:

Or go to there house. If your friends don't want to have people over tell them to stop being a bitch and just have a small gathering. Then next week you can go to someone else's house. Rotate that shit. Play some fun games. Twister is a fun one ;). Watch a movie... do everything i said before except get in your snuggie, unless you and your friends are into that kinda stuff.

Whatever you do just don't be a huge tool about everything and don't try to plan out every thing. Cuz if you were my friend and trying to do that, i'd slap you.